Strange behavior of 'del' command..

Remco Gerlich scarblac-spamtrap at
Sun Feb 27 14:22:58 EST 2000

Kim Jeong Ju wrote in comp.lang.python:
> I am currently into embedding & extending Python to my C++ project.
> And I found some strange behavior of 'del' command.
> It's about deleting Python object which was instantiated from wrapped
> C++ class.
> For example, let's say 'my_object' is a instance of wrapped C++ class.
> >>del my_object
> This works just fine. It exactly calls the destructor of C++ class and frees
> memory blocks as it supposed to do.

Actually, all it's supposed to do is remove the name from the current
namespace. _If_ nothing else is still referring to it, then it may be
removed, and the destructor would be called then. You can't assume that
'del' will call your destructor.

Repeat: del only deletes a name from the namespace.

> And here is the weird one
> >>exec( 'del my_object ' )
> The destructor should be called like above one. But It didn't..
> Still the symbol name was deleted.
> >>my_object
> Traceback( innermost last ):
> ..
> Name error: my_object
> Isn't it strange? If you got an idea what happend, please let me know
> about it.

It works fine for me in a simple test case. You probably still refer
to the object somewhere else. Is it still part of some list, or something?

We need more info about your code.
Remco Gerlich,  scarblac at
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