A = X > Y ? X : Y

Fredrik Lundh effbot at telia.com
Thu Feb 10 03:26:47 EST 2000

Michal Wallace <sabren at manifestation.com> wrote:
> I betcha it can!... How about this?
> ###
> def  cStyleIIF(condition, iftrue, iffalse):
>     if eval(condition):
>         return eval(iftrue)
>     else:
>         return eval(iffalse)
> x = 5
> y = 20
> a = cStyleIIF("x<y", "x", "y")
> ###
> You've got some extra overhead there, but if you really
> want to do this on one line without evaluating both options
> or using boolean short circuits, it might be worth it... :)

the problem here is that you'll evaluate the
expression in the function's own namespace,
not the callers.

(you can use trickery or guile to get around
that, but I won't post that solution...)


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