Is mxDateTime compatible with Installer

Gordon McMillan gmcm at
Mon Feb 28 21:13:59 EST 2000

[In response to Calishar's problem with Installer and mxDateTime, I wrote]:

> There is a bug in beta3f. 

Which is true. But

> Line 168 of 
> reads:
>  if string.find(name, '.') == -1:
> It should read:
>  if string.find(name, '.') != -1:

was not. It's more complicated than that. I was attempting to 
fix "MySQL" (a .pyd) getting turned into "MYSQL", but 
unfortunately now "python15.dll" gets turned into 
"python15.dll.dll". Grrr. If it troubles you, remove the whole 
damn "if" block, and I'll figure out how to do it right one of 
these days...

- Gordon

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