Which GUI?

Boudewijn Rempt boud at rempt.xs4all.nl
Sun Feb 20 11:36:14 EST 2000

Fredrik Lundh <effbot at telia.com> wrote:

> btw, I just looked at the wxPython tutorial.

> every single example in that tutorial can be written in
> Tkinter, using about 50% as much Python code.  and
> things like layout management and event handling looks
> embarrasingly primitive compared to Tkinter.

> methinks wxPython is superior to Tkinter in pretty much
> the same way as languages with braces are superior to
> languages using indentation...

That's interesting - I wonder what how the comparison with 
PyQt would turn out. It's not fair to note that the PyQt
version of the IDLE classbrowser uses less lines or words,
because Qt offers a treewidget out of the box, and the IDLE
treewidgets seems to be custom built, so I won't...

One import thing about widget sets is the look and feel - not
for Windows users, maybe, because all Windows toolkits appear
to use the horrible Windows widgets, but on Unix there's a lot
of room for personal taste. And frankly, I detest the tk look
and feel and dislike the gtk look and feel (though not as much
as Motif).


Boudewijn Rempt  | http://www.valdyas.org

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