embeddable Python web server (was 'derived from CGIHTTPServer.py')

Frank Sergeant frank.sergeant at redneck.net
Sat Feb 19 01:14:47 EST 2000

Michael Ströder <michael.stroeder at inka.de> writes:

> > Well, here is what I've been using very successfully.
> Thanks for submitting your code.

You're welcome.  Thanks for posting the details about your
approach as well.

> But there are open issues:
> SimpleHTTPServer is based on SocketServer and
> [python-doc]/lib/module-SocketServer.html says:
> "These four classes process requests synchronously; each request
> must be completed before the next request can be started."
> In my case there might be long-running LDAP queries which would
> block all other users. Do you already have some example code with
> threading? I will dig into this and publish the code...

Sorry, no.  I realize that my approach handles the requests
serially.  I think this will be sufficient for my purposes, but
I am looking forward stress testing it at some point.  My target
application would have probably no more than 2 to 10 concurrent
users, over an office intranet.  I would be delighted if someone
would extend (my or your or another) web server to handle 
requests in parallel.  Medusa sounds great, but I gather there
are fees for commercial use, which I would rather avoid at this

  -- Frank

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