An FTP based Python Module repository (was Re: Imagemagick)

Jean-Claude Wippler jcw at
Fri Feb 4 15:57:47 EST 2000

chris patti wrote:

[to quote Ivan: bobbit]

> One of the reasons for CPAN's success in the Perl world is that,
> simply, it's an FTP archive.
> Thus, people can and do mirror it.  This creates a multi-site,
> persistent cache of the entire library, so when the one site where
> module comes from goes down, the world doesn't suffer.
> The Python world needs something similar.
> Another big win in this is that it eases the automated retrieval and
> installation of modules, in the Perl world we have which lets
> you say things like:
> install frobnitz
> And it will search the archive, find the latest version, download it
> and install it to your local Perl installation.
> Such a thing is _eminently_ possible in Python...
> I have neither bandwidth nor disk to offer, so feel free to have me
> publicly tarred and feathered for heresy :)

An FTP repository for packages, with an HTTP-based web interface for
those who prefer that access mechanism... gee, that's an idea.  One
could even periodically produce CD-ROM's from such a repository.  It's
not new, of course (  Nor particularly difficult.

Has anyone considered teaming up with the Tcl community and then asking
VA Linux (of SourceForge fame :) to consider providing the underlying
infrastructure?  (No, I won't crosspost, though it would seem logical)

Perhaps not.  Pythoneers want a Python-specific solution (Trove/Zope?),
just like Tcl people and Perl.  I seem to be one of the few who fails to
see why...


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