Looking for threading tutorial/HOWTO

Aahz Maruch aahz at netcom.com
Sat Jan 8 11:44:21 EST 2000

In article <m3zougva3q.fsf at havenrock.com>,
Matt Gushee  <mgushee at havenrock.com> wrote:
>I would like to learn how to program threads in Python. Or maybe I
>should say, I'd like to use threads in a Python program, so I need to
>learn how they work. Can anyone recommend a good online 
>introduction to the subject (I like books but can't afford to buy one
>just now)? Code examples might be good, too, if they are well commented.

This following code example is not well-documented, but should be pretty
easy to follow; it's designed to test a web server with multiple

import urllib, time
import threading

retrieveDoc = 1
numPings = 20
numThreads = 5

url = 'http://www.foo.com/'

class ping ( threading.Thread ) :
	def __init__ ( self, url, numPings, retrieveDoc=1 ) :
		self.url = url
		self.numPings = numPings
		self.retrieveDoc = retrieveDoc

	def run ( self ) :
		StartTime = time.time()
		for i in range(self.numPings):
			page = urllib.urlopen ( self.url )
			if self.retrieveDoc:
		EndTime = time.time()
		self.TotalTime = EndTime - StartTime

if __name__ == '__main__' :
	threadList = []
	for i in range(numThreads) :
		thread = pingPing ( url, numPings, retrieveDoc )
		threadList.append ( thread )

	StartTime = time.time()
	for thread in threadList :

	while threading.activeCount() > 1 :
		print ".",
	EndTime = time.time()
	TotalTime = EndTime - StartTime

	TotalPings = 0
	ThreadTime = 0
	for thread in threadList :
		TotalPings = TotalPings + thread.numPings
		ThreadTime = ThreadTime + thread.TotalTime

	PingAvg = TotalPings / TotalTime
	ResponseAvg = ThreadTime / TotalPings

	print "Threads: ", numThreads
	print "Pings:", TotalPings
	print "Total time:", TotalTime
	print "Pings per second:", PingAvg
	print "Average response time (secs):", ResponseAvg

                      --- Aahz (@netcom.com)

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