Python Rocks!

Agent Drek drek at MonsterByMistake.Com
Tue Jan 18 21:34:11 EST 2000

|How hard can it be to add 'end' indicators to the language.. If these end
|indicators are added, the language would still be backward compatible. I
|can't believe nobody has fixed this for so long.

you can get the source via cvs :)


I'm definately new to python but the 'look and feel' are what brought me
to this language. Why should I have to type 'endif' when the block is
visible to the human eye. I would rather use braces thank-you. Python
makes all the annoying things about where to put braces go away.
end 'indicators' would lead to uglification (yes it's a word)

It takes 15 minutes to go through the
vim tutorial and then blammo! you have a decent editor that is able
to deal with the formatting. <insert editor flame war here>

back to lurk mode.


Monster By Mistake Inc > 'digital plumber'

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