Python and ArcView GIS

Bernhard Reiter breiter at usf.Uni-Osnabrueck.DE
Wed Jan 12 07:29:23 EST 2000

In article <GyPe4.14473$2x3.253287 at>,
	"Bruce Dodson" <bruce_dodson.nospam at> writes:
> If anyone is interested in this combination, I have an ArcView 3.x extension
> which embeds the Python interpreter within ArcView.  The benefits are
> obvious: access to COM objects and Python modules, plus a full-featured
> language, more suitable for large applications than ArcView's native
> scripting language.  

Sounds interesing.
Why do you need to embed python in ArcView?

Would it not be enough to just use the COM objects with python's 

Thanks for sharing your work in any way, though.
I hope you will license it as free software.

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