Error using string.strip

Eric Hausig codeslave at
Sat Jan 8 10:05:11 EST 2000

Hello there,

I'm very new to Python.  (In fact, I'm walking through the tuturial
right now!)

I'm getting the following message:

>>> string.strip('str') + 'ing'
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
NameError: string

I'm running Redhat 6.1 and have installed all of the dev rpms off the
CD.   Is there some library I have to manually include?  If someone
could give me a little insight, I would be thankful.  (PS - I'm
currently a VB/SQL programmer trying to make the switch to Linux.  =)


Eric Hausig
aka Codeslave2k

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