Python and GUI options

Randall Hopper aa8vb at
Thu Jan 6 07:31:58 EST 2000

Vadim Zeitlin:
 |Randall Hopper:
 |> From a user standpoint, it would be useful if the build system were changed
 |> to a GNU configure sense-and-testwhat-you-have scheme rather than a
 |> configure-this-file, put-overrides-in-this-file, and see-what-breaks
 |> scheme.
 | Sorry, I don't understand what are you referring to. wxWindows uses
 |configure exclusively
 |> hope they do), more docs on creating the build.local file are a must.
 | Sorry again, but I don't even know what is it?

Oh, I see the confusion.  I'm guessing you are a wxWindows person, and
these refer to problems with wxPython, the wxWindows interface layer for

 |> Also, wxGTK and wxPython sense different
 |> compilers (SGI vs. GCC).  I had to coerce them to use the same ones.  
 | Hmm... How did this happen? Did the value of your CXX env var changed
 |in between somehow?

No, I hardly ever specify CC/CXX.  wxPython doesn't use configure though.


Randall Hopper
aa8vb at

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