Python dumps core with this.. how come?

Neil Schemenauer nascheme at
Sat Jan 22 15:48:19 EST 2000

Roey Katz <katz at> wrote:

>...why does this happen:
>     >>> a = 3 
>     >>> b = a 
>     >>> b
>     3 
>     >>> a = 5
>     >>> b
>     3

Let me try some ASCII art:

    a = 3
    b = a

gives you this (conceptually):

    +---+       +---+
    | a |------>| 3 |
    +---+    /  +---+
    +---+  /
    | b |-/

When you do:

    a = 5

now you have this:

              ->| 5 |
             /  +---+
    +---+  /    +---+
    | a |-/   ->| 3 |
    +---+    /  +---+
    +---+  /
    | b |-/

Variables do not contain values.  They refer to them.  In Python
everything is a reference.  Try using the id() function to see
what are the individual objects.

>I mean, what happens if I have a complicated path 
>to a variable and I want to alias it:
>    alias = long_name.hard_to_type[ 1 ].integer_value
>    # arbitrary calculations that would be 
>    # torturous with any label longer than 'alias'
>    if alias > someValue:
>       result = (alias * 5 ) / (alias + 4 )
>    else:
>       result = (alias * 3 ) / (alias + 2 )

In Python you need one more step:

     long_name.hard_to_type[ 1 ].integer_value = alias

When there is a tradoff between convience and explicitness,
Python chooses explicitness.  If you have a name that ugly you
are probably doing something wrong already.
>I understand that if I have a function and pass to it a parameter,
>I can modify it in-place (although that I cannot modify numbers,
>strings or tuples in-place seems to me inconsistent).  

You can modify objects if they are "mutable".  Integers, strings
and tuples are "immutable" for a reason.  Just use Python some
more and think about why it is the way it is.  The FAQ has some
more details if you are interested.

>So for example, these are roughly equivalent:
>    void setValue(  int& x ) { x = 3  }    // C++
>    void setValue(  int *x  ) { *x = 3 }    // C
>    def  setValue( x ):    x = 3             # Python
>whoops, we cannot modfiy integers in-place, how invonvenient.

Python is not C or C++.  You must change your mindset.

>ok, here's a third question, and it builds on the above inquiry
>regarding a lack of an assignment operator.  What happens when I want
>to do convert this for loop:
>   for i,j in dest, src:
>        dest[ i ] = src[ j ]
>into a fast map() expression:
>   map( dest.assign_operator, src )

Who says that map() is faster?  It certainly is not any more
readable.  Why do you want to do such a thing?  Premature
optimization is the root of all evil (in programming).

Besides, if you want to copy the sequence why don't you just use

>I cannot use  filter() to narrow down the list to only the elements
>that I want and then copy it into another list with src.copy().  

Sorry, I don't understand what the problem is here:

    new_list = filter(my_predicate, my_list)

Why would you want to use copy()?  Why do you need an assigment


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