Python and ArcView GIS

Bernhard Reiter breiter at usf.Uni-Osnabrueck.DE
Thu Jan 13 05:25:18 EST 2000

In article <XXcf4.16787$2x3.303971 at>,
	"Bruce Dodson" <bruce_dodson.nospam at> writes:
> Bernhard Reiter wrote in message
> <85hs33$4t9$2 at>...

>>Would it not be enough to just use the COM objects with python's
> Sorry, I forgot who I was talking to.  :-)  I didn't mean to imply that
> ArcView would bestow this benefit on Python.  I meant the opposite: Without
> Python, ArcView doesn't have any way to deal with COM objects.  With Python
> (and win32com), it does have a way.  So your suggested alternative is
> exactly what I meant in the first place!

There is still confusion in my head. :)
I am not exactly sure if ArcView exposes COM objects right now.
If is does, python could control ArcView and then you can also control
other COM objects with python.

If you embed python in ArcView, then python might get more control about 
ArcView. Of course when inside python you can also control other COM objects.

So the question is:
	Does your extension enable python to have more control about ArcView
	as it would have controling it over ArcView's COM objects from outsite?

	Do you need the python extension to expose ArcView capabilities
	to other programs?

If the answer is no, then I assume that you can access other COM objects
from within the python script, but you would not need to embed python
but you could also control it and the other programs from an outsite python

Do I make any sense?

>>I hope you will license it as free software.
> It is definitely free software.  The license will be BSD-style.

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