horrible MATLAB indexing (from the POV of DSP)

Grant Griffin grant.griffin at iowegian.com
Fri Jan 21 16:32:14 EST 2000

Stan Pawlukiewicz wrote:
> The only real annoyance I have with  python is the mechanism for taking
> the real part of a complex array can be somewhat cumbersome.  I spent
> about half a Saturday trying to track down why
>   a=b.real
>   print a.flat
> wouldn't work.  I don't if this a bug, or by design. In Guido's tutorial
> he explicitly says that abs(a) is the only built in conversion.  I
> really have no idea why he thinks that real(a) would be ambiguous.

(cross-posted from comp.dsp to comp.lang.python)

I guess I don't really know.  (Anybody else?)

But I'm curious, Stan: What sorts of DSPish things have you been using
Python for?


Grant R. Griffin                                       g2 at dspguru.com
Publisher of dspGuru                           http://www.dspguru.com
Iowegian International Corporation	      http://www.iowegian.com

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