Porn python programm. The ultimate action

Manuel Gutierrez Algaba algaba at
Tue Jan 18 14:58:34 EST 2000

Being a bit annoyed with the fact that "anything sucessful in
Internet tends to suck", and considering python a superb (and a bit
forgotten in the midst of thousand of languages) I've being meditating
if a major action would be nice to be taken. Admitting the fact that
Porn sites (sex) are the most succesful and willingly to retain a bit
of dignity, I think it'd be nice to develop a python program that
generates sex histories, for this kind of programm OO would be superb,
and we easily would attract attention, as I think this is a bit
extreme decision to be taken, I think it's fair to ask for your opinion:

What do you think about a "" ?

This is not a joke, It's a serious stuff. Bad words could be expressed
not directly but with invented (obvious words ) or long phrases.

I think it's possible to deal with it with enough dignity and
mock sex sites, at the same time....


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