DBI spec and parameter passing

Timothy Grant tjg at avalongroup.net
Mon Jan 17 18:07:54 EST 2000

Hi again,

I've been reading up on DBI and what it does, and I see that when I have
cursor for which I need to execute some SQL, I pass it some SQL and some
parameters, can someone please show me an example of how that is
supposed to look? Right now I build up a string using something like

	sql = "select * from table where id='%s'" % idvar

This seems to work quite well except in the in the instances where I
have *Empty* Data fields, then mxODBC reports errors back to me that
look like this:

('08S01', 1, "Error while executing the query;\012ERROR:  Bad date
external representation ''", 3205)

I'm not quite sure what to do to alleviate that problem.

Any help is greatfully accepted!
Stand Fast,

Chief Technology Officer              tjg at exceptionalminds.com
Red Hat Certified Engineer            www.exceptionalminds.com
Avalon Technology Group, Inc.                   (503) 246-3630

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