Smalltalk blocks in Python

Bijan Parsia bparsia at
Thu Jan 27 09:32:16 EST 2000

Thierry Thelliez <thierry at> wrote:

> I come from the Smalltalk world and I am trying to understand Python.
> Is there a Smalltalk blocks equivalent in Python ?
> Java has a pale imitation with Inner classes.

There are lambdas (which are a bit funky). But more importantly, you can
pass functions around (and functions don't need to be defined in a class
context). While there no general syntax (other than lambdas, which have
limitations) for specifying literal anonymous code blocks, you can
certainly use compile, exec, apply, eval, and friends (exec and eval
take code blocks as well as strings).

Now, the thing that *will* trip you up, IMHO, is the lack of class side
*methods* (though there are class attributes).

Bijan Parsia

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