Iterative argument conversion in C extensions

Chris McDonough chrism at
Sun Jan 30 23:41:33 EST 2000


I'm working on a C extension that must accept arbitrary positional
arguments of Python types string, int, and float and convert those to
their C equivalents (int, char, float).

I'm sort of stuck, however, on creating a C routine which can accept and
deconstruct into C equivalents the elements of the passed-in Python
tuple that may contain arbitrary Python object types of int, float, and
string arbitrarily positioned within the tuple.  It doesn't help that I
don't know much C, either :-)  

To explain a little better, I'd like to be able to call a function
within a C extension with arbitrary arguments like so:


or maybe

mymodule.function("string", "another string", 2.0, 1, "wow")

or maybe even

mymodule.function("lonely string")

I imagine the best thing to do here is to construct a wrapper for the
function that determines the number of passed in arguments and their
types.  The wrapper would then shove what it knows about the arguments
into a dictionary of some kind which then would be shoved into the tuple
that is passed to the C extension module.  But deconstructing that
Python dictionary and retrieving and marshalling its contents within C
is sort of beyond me.

Does anyone have an example of doing such a thing?

Many thanks in advance!

Chris McDonough
Digital Creations, Inc.
Zope -

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