JPython newbie, CLASSPATH question

RICKHIGH rickhigh at
Tue Jan 4 05:01:49 EST 2000

No. But you can use the URLClassLoader to load the class. URLClassLoader is in You can add a directory as a file URL.

Here is an excerpt that uses URLClassLoader:

from java.lang import ClassLoader, Exception

class AppletBrowser(JFrame, AppletContext, AppletStub):

        def createClassLoader(self):                
                                # Get a list of URLS for each jar in the
archive tag.
                                # Get the codebase URL, and it to the list of
                                # Create a URL jarray to pass to the
URLClassLoader constructor.
                                # Get the system class loader to pass to the
URLClassLoader constructor.
                                # Create an instance of URLClassLoader passing
the urls and
                                # the system class loader.
                        urls = self.getJars()
                        urls = array(urls, URL)
                        loader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()
                        url_loader = URLClassLoader(urls, loader)
                        if debug: print "Created class loader with " + `urls`
                        return url_loader
                except Exception, exception:
                        global error
                        error = exception
                        print "Unable to create class loader"

        def loadApplet(self):

                        #Create the class loader and get the class name.       
                class_name = self.props.getProperty("code")
                        # Load the class, create an instance of it, and add it
with addApplet.
                if class_name and class_loader:
                                if debug: print "Loading the class: " +
                                if debug: print clazz
                                applet = clazz.newInstance()
                        except Exception, exception:
                                global error
                                error = exception
                                print "Unable to load the class " + class_name


The above is taken from an Applet container that allows an Applet to run as an 
application. (Even on a different box.)
It uses URLClassLoader.

If you want to see more, i.e., if you want me to send the rest-- let me know.

There is a book coming on in March on JPython from publisher Addison Wesley.
You should check it out.

--Rick Hightower

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