does a variable exist

Darrell news at
Fri Jan 7 16:27:07 EST 2000

"Dan Grassi" <Dan at> wrote in message
news:B49BBF60.1373%Dan at
> I have forgotten and can not find the function (incantation) that can will
> determine if a variable currently exisis.

globals() and locals() are your best bet.

>>> import sys
>>> myVar=123
>>> sys.modules[__name__].__dict__.keys()
['sys', '__doc__', 'myVar', '__name__', '__builtins__']
>>> class A:
...     classVar=111
...     def __init__(self):
...             self._x=1
...             print self.__dict__.keys()
>>> a=A()
>>> a.__class__.__dict__.keys()
['__init__', '__doc__', 'classVar', '__module__']
>>> def f1(aVar):
...     print locals().keys()
>>> f1(123)
>>> print globals().keys()
['__doc__', '__name__', 'A', '__builtins__', 'a', 'myVar', 'f1', 'sys']


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