JPython Projects

Jeff Macdonald jeff.macdonald at
Mon Jan 3 15:56:08 EST 2000


Paul Prescod wrote:
> Here are some interesting JPython projects for someone with a time on
> their hands:
>  1. Use the new GJC to compile JPython and CPython into the same binary.
>  2. Set up a way of calling Python modules written for JPython (with
> Java library dependencies) from CPython and Python modules with C
> dependencies from JPython. Some things might work a little odd because
> of the two interpreters but I think most things would work...but I'm
> just guessing.
>  3. Figure out how to cut one interpreter out of the loop. Get CPython
> to be able to directly call Java stuff or JPython to directly call
> C-coded modules. The former would probably be easier but the latter
> would allow us to leverage more of the JVM and JIT work that is being
> done.
> I think that GJC is an important step in integrating the (thus far
> incompatible) C and JVM worlds and Python is the natural glue language
> for the new integrated environment.
>  Paul Prescod

Jeff Macdonald
e-Applications Developer 
Inforonics, Inc. 
Voice mail: (978) 698-6342

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