( 2.31.New operators: 'eq', 'ne', 'last', '..' ) ?

Tao Lu tlu at bmo.com
Thu Jan 20 10:40:45 EST 2000

> >
> > Yes, i'm saying that 'eq', 'ne' are more readable then '==' '!=', '<>',
> > 'next' shorter then 'continue' and '..' operator can be a good thing to 
> > consider.
> > 
> 	Yet after over 30 years of ".ne.", ".eq.", ".gt.", etc. in
> FORTRAN, Fortran 90 has just added "<>", "=" (or is it "=="), ">", etc.
> to permit one to get away from those awful text strings.
> 	The only languages I've ever seen that use a text string for
> those operators are FORTRAN and VMS DCL.

FYI: Another P* language also uses 'eq', 'ne' as operators. However, 'eq' and 
'==' are not the same in this P*** language: 'eq' for string and '==' for 

<name>Tao Lu</name><email>tlu at bmo.com</email><phone>867-6722</phone>

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