no return values for __init__ ??

Helge Hess helge at
Thu Jan 6 16:31:06 EST 2000

Aahz Maruch wrote:
> In article <3874CFE5.765A40EA at>,
> Helge Hess  <helge.hess at> wrote:
> >recently I was heavily wondering why __init__ does not allow return
> >values ! Is there any special reason not to do this ?
> Yup.  The return value *has* to be the object instantiated by Python.

No, the return value has to be None, which is the default return value
as well. The only thing enforcing this from a technical point of view is
a simple

  if (ret != Py_None)
    throw exception

in the PyInstance_New() function. The 'fix' is just

  if ((ret == Py_None) || (ret == self))
    decref(ret), return self
    decref(self), return ret

This doesn't break compatibility to any valid Python code.

> Why do you want to do this?

There are some applications all of which could be more or less solved by
using factories at the expense of a more complex & inconvenient
interface to the functionality (you have to learn two classes instead of
just one).

I can give just three:

1. singletons
  _C = None
  class C:
    def __init__(self):
      if _C is None: _C = self
      return _C
  a = C()
  b = C()

  a and b are the same objects, the user of C() doesn't need to know
about that

2. interns

  str2object = {}
  class String:
    def __init__(self, str):
      if not str2object.has_key(str):
          self.value = str
          str2object[str] = self
      return str2object[str]
  a = String("abc")
  b = String("def")
  c = String("abc")

  a and c will be identical.

3. class clusters (as they are called in Objective-C)

  class String: # abstract
    def __init__(self, data, encoding="python"):
      if encoding == "utf8": return Utf8String(data)
      elif encoding == "utf16": return Utf16String(data)
      elif encoding == "python": return data
      else: raise UnsupportedEncoding

  a = String("hhuu", encoding="utf16")
  v = String("sdfhjsh")

  The nice thing is that the user only has to care about String,
  the __init__ function will return an appropriate subclass on
  demand. What an 'appropriate subclass' is, is abstracted from
  the user pov.

My major feeling why __init__ should be allowed to return values
anyway is, that __init__ is a usual method and should be treated
as such.


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