Values and variables for Tk radio buttons

Daley, Mark W mark.w.daley at
Fri Jul 28 11:53:13 EDT 2000

I am trying to struggle through the design of a GUI using Tkinter.  I'm not
doing to bad, for a beginner, but I am having a problem retrieving the
values assigned by selecting a certain button.  Here is the code I wrote
(forgive the crudity, I'm not savvy with classes yet!):

from Tkinter import *
import dbi, odbc
import time, os, sys

servername = ['Server1', 'Server2', 'Server3']
name = (('None', 'None'), ('name1', 'Name1'), ('name2', 'Name2'), ('name3',

def die():

root = Tk()
root.title("Test GUI")
servar = StringVar()
namevar = StringVar()

for item in range(len(servername)):
	b1 = Radiobutton(root, text = servername[item], variable = servar,
value = servername[item])
	b1.grid(row = item, column = 0, sticky=W)

for index in range(len(name)):
	b2 = Radiobutton(root, text = name[index][1], variable = namevar,
value = name[index][1])
	b2.grid(row = index, column = 1, sticky=W)

q = Button(root, text = 'Quit', command = die, width = 10)
q.grid(row = 13, column = 0, sticky = W)


This gives me two columns of radio buttons (the name tuple is longer, and
contrived since I usually get the values from a database).  I have no idea
how to get the values from the buttons.  Should I be doing something other
than StringVar() for servar and namevar?

- Mark
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