Pmw dialogs - very slow

Georg Mischler schorsch at
Fri Jul 28 06:06:12 EDT 2000

Horst Gassner wrote:
> Hi all!
> Am I doing something wrong or are Pmw dialogs really so slow?
> Here are the lines of code:
> s.notYetImplemetentedDlg = Pmw.MessageDialog(s.parent,defaultbutton=0,
> title = notYetImplementedHdrTxt, message_text = notYetImplementedTxt)
> s.notYetImplemetentedDlg.activate(geometry = 'centerscreenalways')
> The dialog frame appears very fast but it takes between 1 and 2
> seconds to display the contents!
> [...]
> Is there a possibilty to speed this up?

My experiments have shown that this has something to do with
the sequence of function calls in the setgeometryanddeiconify()
function in the file I'm not sure if I have found the
"correct" sequences yet, but I could get rid of the symptoms for
the unix branch by moving the final "window.tkraise()" from the
last line up to just below the "else:".

Not really understanding everything that happens there, I can't
stress enough that this means just treating the symptoms for the
moment. There may be other dependencies that would dictate a
different sequence.

Maybe Greg could comment?


Georg Mischler  --  simulations developer  --  schorsch at  --  lighting design tools  --

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