mapping the read() fonction

Bjorn Pettersen bjorn at
Mon Jul 24 13:52:24 EDT 2000

Benjamin wrote:
> I would like to map the read() function of a file object
> I have a list of file objects. I want to return the list of their content
> using the map function
> I've used the map function to open my list of file
>     map(open,list,{"r","r","r"})  (to open a list of 3 files for example)
> but I can't do the same for the read() function, because it is a method
> function of the file class
> How can I map the read() fonction to my list of file? The problem is that I
> don't know the class name of a file object.
> The only solution for the moment id to use a for loop on my list....

  map( lambda, [list of open files])

or perhaps:

  def openAndRead(filename):
      return open(filename).read()

  map( openAndRead, listOfFilenames )

-- bjorn

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