Zope newbie

Pedro Vale Lima eq3pvl at eq.uc.pt
Mon Jul 17 12:29:50 EDT 2000

coughlan at gothaminteractive.com wrote:

> I've just installed Zope on Linux, and the documentation that comes
> with it refers almost exclusively to NT!?  There is very little on Zope
> with Apace.
> Does anyone know of a URL or forum to get a decent tour of Zope on
> Linux?  zope.com is also *very* dissappointing.

The website is www.zope.org

> It's unclear to me how to even create a hello world program to make
> sure it's installed and running.  Any advice, would be appreciated.

check in the /doc directory for install information. You don't need to use

apache to check if Zope works, use Zope internal server instead.

There are serveral ways to use Zope with Apache. For fastcgi, my
in zope.org check for the fastcgi howto (under documentation-howtos).



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