[Tkinter]: Where is a good place to learn how to use this...?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at gssec.bt.co.uk
Mon Jul 3 09:56:47 EDT 2000

Dave Williams wrote:
> I am fairly new to Python, and I have been reading a
> book, and I have checked online for resources.  There
> is a general "intro to" type off of the python.org

There should be two online sources from python.org.

One is F/'s reference site which while not complete 
is very good - due out as a book from O'Reilly sometime...


The other is the original(and slightly outdated) crash 
course on Tkinter called the 'Life Preserver' by Matt Conway


The Mark Lutz book, Programming Python, has a good 
intro to Tkinter if you have no previous Tcl/Tk experience.

John Grayson's book is fairly complete but does rather 
jump in the deep end. Its fine if you know the basics 
or if you've already used Tcl/Tk (or perl/Tk I guess)

My Python tutor gives a couple of Tkinter examples but 
they are very basic and only cover enough for the 
specific programs. They aren't really intended to 
teach Tkinter.

Look at Event Driven Progranmming and the Case Study

Alan G.

This post represents the views of the author 
and does not necessarily accurately represent 
the views of BT.

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