Reading PCI Configuration Space...

Erno Kuusela erno at
Wed Jul 26 17:06:12 EDT 2000

>>>>> "Jerome" == Jerome Chan <eviltofu at> writes:

    Jerome> Does anyone know how to read the PCI configuration space
    Jerome> with Python under Win 98 or Linux?

under linux you have 3 options:
* use the lspci program. try lspci -x or lspci -vvv
* read the files under /proc/bus/pci/ (this is actually
  what the lspci program does, but using lspci might save
  you from future format changes in these files...)
* read /proc/pci
  do this if you are using an older version of linux (2.0.x)

no idea about win98...

  -- erno

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