Test framework of choice?

Steve Purcell stephen_purcell at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 24 23:18:58 EDT 2000

morris at m... (Mitchell Morris) wrote:
> In the course of finding a reasonably standard-ish test framework,
> I found a curiousity:
> <URL:http://www.xprogramming.com/software.htm> reports three
> separate implementations for Python.

And there are at least four more!

> kneejerk reaction is to use pyunit merely because it's hosted at
> SourceForge, but I'm not at all sure that software should be
> blessed merely because of who hosts the CVS tree.

I'd imagine that software can only be blessed by contented users, and
in the absence of an official Proclamation, you should simply use
whichever test framework you prefer.

There isn't a singular CVS tree for this, so it's not a tyrannical
monopoly <wink>. I wrote a little code, had some positive feedback,
and tried to make it available in a convenient way by sticking it on
SourceForge. Amazingly, it now seems to get about 50 visitors per day.

I'd be happy to see a framework such as this become a standard part
of Python, and would be willing to do some work to help that happen.
That might include adapting existing regression tests, and writing

It's not clear to me where the line falls between 'core' modules and 
'add-ons'. My guess is that the Python community could put itself
even further ahead of the pack by settling on a standard bundled test

Best wishes,


Steve Purcell,  Technical Director, Inkontact
Get in touch at http://www.inkontact.com/
Get testing at http://pyunit.sourceforge.net/
"Life must be simple if I can do it" -- Me

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