proposal: accessor methods

Michal Wallace sabren at
Fri Jul 14 15:00:50 EDT 2000

Hey all,

I was just wondering if anyone else would find this useful:

I think that for a given object, it would be nice to define
specific accessor methods for variables, instead of having
to rely on __getattr__ and __setattr__.

For example, if I have an object like this:

o = Object()
o.x = 5

And I later decide that I want setting x to have some sort
of side effect, I'd like to be able to do this:

class Object:
   def __set_x(self, value):
       self.y = x * 2

This way I don't have to break code. I know I can already do this with
__setattr__, but it's clunky when I want different attributes to do
different things. In fact, I generally just tell __setattr__ to check
to see whether I've defined __set_x and call that.. And I wondered
if anyone else would want to have this built in.



- Michal

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