Flushing sdtout

Aaron Ginn aaron.ginn at motorola.com
Fri Jul 7 14:01:50 EDT 2000

Is there a simple way to flush stdout on every print statement similar
to the $| variable in perl?  Currently, I'm adding a
sys.stdout.flush() statement after every single print statement in a
script in order to write the run to a logfile, but I'd like to simply
be able to tell python to do it after every print statement without
explicitly telling it to.

Also, how can I flush the string in an input statement to stdout
before the input is provided by the user?  For example, here is a
code snippet:

	print '------------------------------'
	print '      Type of DRC run.'
	print '------------------------------'
	print '1) DRC (default)'
	print '2) Antenna DRC check'
	print 'q) quit'

	while 1:
	    selection = raw_input('Enter type of DRC to run from menu --> ')

This prints the following to stdout:

      Type of DRC run.
1) DRC (default)
2) Antenna DRC check
q) quit

Unfortunately, it does not print the string in the raw_input statement
until the user has selected from the menu.  Thus the output looks like

Enter type of DRC to run from menu --> 

I want the string printed to stdout before the user has to make a
selection.  Is there a way to do this?


Aaron J. Ginn                     Motorola SPS
Phone: (480) 814-4463             SemiCustom Solutions
Fax:   (480) 814-4058             1300 N. Alma School Rd.
mailto:aaron.ginn at motorola.com    Chandler, AZ 85226

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