JPython and DB2 Stored Procedures in Java

Luciano Caroti l.caroti at
Mon Jul 24 11:18:42 EDT 2000

I would like to know if anyone had used JPython to develop SProcedures
in DB2, or better it is possiblre to use JVM inside DB that provide it
like Oracle and DB2?
I hope that this crazy question do not hurt anyone. I use PL/SQL and
Transact SQL to develop Stored Procedures on Oracle and SQLServer but on
IBM DB2 I can use Assembler,PL1,Fortran,REXX,C (of course) and question stem from my experience in development : writing
program in PL/SQL and SQLServer is faster than using C so I am searching
another way to accomplish this task, I choosed Java but my knowledge on
Python is better than my knowledge in Java..
Can you help me?
Luciano Caroti

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