Perl is worse!

Hrvoje Niksic hniksic at
Fri Jul 28 08:09:30 EDT 2000

grey at (Steve Lamb) writes:

> On Fri, 28 Jul 2000 01:24:08 -0400, Tim Peters <tim_one at> wrote:
> >Steve, in case it isn't clear yet, Python programmers *want* to be
> >blown out of the water when doing something as senseless as
> >    1 + "foo"
> It isn't senseless.  That is the whole point.  It is only senseless
> because of typing.  Clearly you cannot add a word to a number,
> granted.  But what of 1 + "1"?  That isn't senseless, those are two
> numbers.  I can see they are two numbers, it is only because of
> typing that it fails.

I sort of hope you're trolling here.

For me, 1 and "1" are clearly not two numbers.  The former is a
number, the latter a string consisting of the character "1".  Saying
that they are numbers because we "see" they're numbers is like
insisting one 1 + "one" to return 2 because "one" is so obviously a

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