?Neil Schemenauer's GC patch in python1.6?

Vladimir Marangozov Vladimir.Marangozov at inrialpes.fr
Fri Jul 14 20:14:38 EDT 2000

Norman Shelley wrote:
> Is Neil Schemenauer's GC patch scheduled to be in python1.6?

It's already in the CVS tree, so you might want to try it yourself.
I will help you tracking cycles. And it does eliminate cyclic trash
as one might expect <wink>.

However, this code is still young and in its currents state it
introduces both space and time overheads. This is probably not
acceptable for everyone in a standard setup. Things are slightly
worse than that, though. We're still unclear on *how* much overhead
the GC-enabled interpreter introduces, compared to its GC-disabled

This is the main reason explaining why the collector will eventually
be disabled by default (so you would need to enable it explicitely).
However, we're much interested in feedback. So you might see a beta
release with GC-enabled. In the meantime, we surely plan to improve it.
It may eventually remain enabled for the final release, but don't hold
your breath for this.

So don't despair <wink>. Grab the CVS snapshot right now and test it.
You're also invited to participate actively in the beta-test cycle
whenever the first beta comes out.

if-it's-in-cvs-it'll-stay-there-for-some-time-ly y'rs
       Vladimir MARANGOZOV          | Vladimir.Marangozov at inrialpes.fr
http://sirac.inrialpes.fr/~marangoz | tel:(+33-4)76615277 fax:76615252

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