Pmw dialogs - very slow

Georg Mischler schorsch at
Mon Jul 31 13:20:12 EDT 2000

Rob Hooft wrote:
> >>>>> "GM" == Georg Mischler <schorsch at> writes:
>  >> The dialog frame appears very fast but it takes between 1 and 2
>  >> seconds to display the contents! [...] Is there a possibilty to
>  >> speed this up?
>  GM> My experiments have shown that this has something to do with the
>  GM> sequence of function calls in the setgeometryanddeiconify()
>  GM> function in the file I'm not sure if I have found the
>  GM> "correct" sequences yet, but I could get rid of the symptoms for
>  GM> the unix branch by moving the final "window.tkraise()" from the
>  GM> last line up to just below the "else:".
> Hmm.. You can also change window managers. I understood this delay in
> the tkraise call is a strange interaction between Tk and the WM. I
> have seen it in Enlightenment, and it is one of the reasons I went
> back to fvwm2. I discouraged the use of Gnome for a while to all
> customers that asked me....

In my case it happens with KDE.

This means that most modern linux desktops expose the problem.
While going back to fvwm2 may have been a solution to you,
I doubt that this can be the way to go for many others.

But as long as we don't have a better analysis of where
the problem originates, any workaround helps. What somehow
surprises me is the fact that Pmw 0.8.0 worked fine, while
0.8.4 has the problem (didn't test the intermediate versions).
I don't currently have the knowledge to figure out if my
proposed modification really "solves" anything, but at least
it makes the symptoms go away. Any further enlightement
would be higly welcome!


Georg Mischler  --  simulations developer  --  schorsch at  --  lighting design tools  --

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