PyGTK and draw_array

Esko Lehtonen esko.lehtonen at
Sun Jul 2 05:34:30 EDT 2000

I am trying to manipulate an image and then draw it to GtkDrawingArea
using PyGtk and Numerical Python. 

Here is description of draw_array function from file (I don't
know exactly what is that hassattr thing.)

   # this function renders an unsigned byte (type code 'b') numpy array
to a
   # drawable.  If it is a MxN or MxNx1 array, it is assumed to be a
grey image.
   # If it is a MxNx3 or MxNx4 array, it is assumed to be an rgb image.
   # It should accept images that have been sliced along their first two
   # if you want to only draw part of the image.
   if hasattr(_gtk, "gdk_draw_array"):
           def draw_array(drawable, gc, x, y, dither, array):
                   _gtk.gdk_draw_array(drawable, gc, x, y, dither,

So I made following code:

WIDTH = 30
D = 3
# create rgb image as array, every value 100
img = ones((WIDTH, HEIGHT, D), 'b')
img = img * 100
darea = GtkDrawingArea()
	   widget.get_style().black_gc, x, y, 
           GDK.RGB_DITHER_NORMAL, img)

I still have a problem, because then a got: "TypeError: array data must
be unsigned bytes" when I'm trying to use the draw_array function. 

What is problem here? Or do you know alternative ways to do this using
PyGTK or some other graphics library?

Thanks in advance

 Esko Lehtonen                   WYSINWYG -              
                                 What You See Is Never What You Get

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