Extend/Embed Python Method table Dispatcher

heath7952 at my-deja.com heath7952 at my-deja.com
Thu Jul 20 20:27:57 EDT 2000

Dear All,

I am extending Python with my own C functions. I would like be able to
share one C function amongst different extended commands. Here's a
little pseudo example.

// standard method table with two commands specified "do_stuff" and
"do_stuff2" both of which call the same C function.

static PyMethodDef my_methods[] = {
  {"do_stuff",	   (PyCFunction)Python_Embed::fnDoStuff, METH_VARARGS,
dostuff__doc__   },
  {"do_stuff2",	   (PyCFunction)Python_Embed::fnDoStuff, METH_VARARGS,
dostuff2__doc__   },
  {NULL,	   NULL}

PyObject* Python_Embed::fnDoStuff(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)

    switch(who called me)
       case do_stuff:
          do something

       case do_stuff2
          do something different.


I looked at args, but I was unable to find anything in the PyObject
worth extracting for this purpose.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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