Using filter()

Calvelo Daniel dcalvelo at
Wed Jul 19 05:16:00 EDT 2000

Larry Whitley <ldw at> wrote:
: Thanks, that certainly works.

: I don't understand why lambda needs the second parameter.  When I 
: experiment with
: filter( lambda x: string.find( x, name) == 0, fileList)
: in place of
: filter( lambda x,sf=string.find: sf(x, name )==0, fileList )
: it works as well.  I suspect that your codeing come from something more
: general.  Can you explain the reason the sf=string.find construction is
: useful in this context?

Doing the sf=string.find trick saves one name lookup. I have, with fileList
being a list of 10000 "abc" and 10000 "bbc":

>>> import time
>>> tic=time.clock(); None=filter( lambda x: string.find( x, "a") == 0, fileList); time.clock()-tic
>>> tic=time.clock(); None=filter( lambda x,sf=string.find: sf( x, "a") == 0, fileList); time.clock()-tic

(These are typical timings on my machine with Python1.5.2 and have nothing
but illustrative purposes.)

Besides, it's "safer" in a sense: It works for you because 'string' is a 
global or module global.  But if you do stg like:

def a():
    import string
    return filter( lambda x: string.find( x, <name>) == 0, <fileList>)

then 'string' is *not* looked up in a's namespace, whereas it is with the
other trick. I wouldn't recommend such practices anyway but who knows.

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Python-42K-will-have-nested-namespaces!-really!-ly y'rs,  Daniel

-- Daniel Calvelo Aros
     calvelo at

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