cStringIO & write error?

Alex cut_me_out at hotmail.com
Sat Jul 29 13:55:49 EDT 2000

> When I do:
> from StringIO import StringIO
> f=open('file.dat', 'r+b')
> ff=StringIO(f.read(-1))
> ff.seek(0,0)
> ff.write(chr(123))
> all is ok. But when I import from cStringIO I get an error:
> AttributeError: write
> What am I doing wrong?

Probably nothing -- I ran into a similar incompatibility between
cStringIO and StringIO a little while back.  I think I got around it by
doing stuff like this:

>>> from  cStringIO import StringIO
>>> t = StringIO()
>>> t.write('stuff')
>>> t.seek(0)
>>> t.read()


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