Operators for everything (was Re: Operators for matrix)

Tim Rowe digitig at cix.co.uk
Mon Jul 24 17:25:00 EDT 2000

In article <397B6319.27A6438A at nceas.ucsb.edu>, keitt at nceas.ucsb.edu 
(Timothy H. Keitt) wrote:

> R (www.r-project.org) uses '%' as in A %*% B.  Might be nice to
> standardize.

Um, only if there's a benefit -- otherwise we'll standardise on semicolons 
to divide statements and curly braces to delimit blocks. I find A %*% B 
very hard to read, and I don't like so much use of arcane symbols.

The only tidy way of handling infix operators in Python than I can see is 
to make operators first class objects.

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