simple (?) re question

Frederic Laurent laurent8 at
Tue Jul 11 12:39:10 EDT 2000

Hi, I try to have a regular expression that doesn't match if
a filename is composed of "SCCS", so I have

>>> r=re.compile(".*(?!SCCS.*$).*[.]java$")

and then

>>> r.match("/foo/bar/SCCS/")
<re.MatchObject instance at 1f9898>

But it's wrong for me ! I was expected this file will not match.

I've got the same problem with an expression wich mustn't match
something that's ending with a java extension

>>> r=re.compile(".*[.](?!java$).*$")

with 2 dot, it doesn't work,

>>> r.match("/foo/bar/SCCS/")
<re.MatchObject instance at 1f97e8>

but with only one, it's ok

>>> r.match("/foo/bar/SCCS/")

so, what's the problem ?

thanks in advance,

Frédéric LAURENT
mailto:frederic.laurent at
Tél : (33) 03 88 55 70 00  poste 57228

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