Python Productivity over C++

Michal Vitecek M.Vitecek at
Thu Jun 15 13:50:14 EDT 2000

Ken Seehof <kens at> wrote:
>Encapsulation, access control and type strictness are often erroneously
>referred to as if they were features.  They aren't.  They are aspects of a
>design philosophy.  To make a system less error prone, constrain the programmer
>in order to prevent the programmer from writing bugs.  Of course, that's
>impossible, since it is always possible to write bugs anyway.  Because C/C++
>are extremely error-prone languages, they need stuff like encapsulation,
>access, control and type strictness.  Because python is less error prone, it
>doesn't need these "features".  Python is based on different philosophy: To
>make a system less error prone, make it simple.
>You have to ask, "what is the actual value of these features?"  The answer is
>that they prevent certain kinds of bugs from appearing.  Now ask, "what bugs
>would a C++ programmer encounter if encapsulation, access, control and type
>strictness were removed from C++."  Undoubtedly it would be a mess.  Get a
>picture in your mind of these bugs.  Now ask a python programmer how often
>these kinds of bugs come up.  Answer: "can't remember that ever happenning!"
>Look at the big picture.  Do encapsulation, access control and type strictness
>really make C++ really less error prone than python?
>I think not.

 but what are the method names with '_' at the beginning in modules for?
 aren't they there as a kind of hack to implement some way of access


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