Python GUI requires tcl?

Ed Ohsone eosn at
Sat Jun 3 13:20:21 EDT 2000

I am a complete newbie in python, though I know some
about tcl.
Now I am interested in learning python.
But one of my concerns is its GUI.
I hear python requires the complete installation of
both tcl and tk in order to use its tk-based GUI.

Is it true?

Is there another graphic package which is more 
compact, I mean, which requires python + the graphic toolkit only
without the extra burden of loading another language like tcl?

How about the stability of the python's tk-based graphic package?
As far as I know, tk is intricately connected to tcl in its C source.
Therefore, the python's GUI may be buggier than the original tk based on tcl.
Of course, it can be less buggier :).
If you have experience in both, please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

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