TABs (was: Waffling between Python and Ruby)

Darrell Gallion darrell at
Sun Jun 18 16:04:47 EDT 2000

From: "Huaiyu Zhu" <hzhu at mars.localdomain>
> >One fairly simple way is to untabify your file, change the tab width,
> >and then if you want re-tabify.  Emacs will use a mixture of TABs
> >(using the new tab width definition) and spaces to achieve the same
> >spacing you already have.
> >
> This is simple to do for one file, but not for many files.  I'd prefer
> running something in batch mode on a list of files.
I'm sure there are some better utils floating around, but this one seems to
work well for me.

import string, sys, glob

def main():
    tabSize=8 # I start with 8. Starting with 4 will break some files.
    print g
    a=raw_input('Tabs will be replaced with %d spaces\n Are you sure
    if not a in ['y','Y']:
    for a in g:
        buf=string.replace(buf,'\t',' '*tabSize)



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