Comments: full-text indexing of RDBMS

Aahz Maruch aahz at
Tue Jun 27 10:12:00 EDT 2000

In article <395b7627.97196711 at>,
Thomas Weholt <thomas at> wrote:
>I`ve cooked up some plans for a simple, note! simple, full-text
>index-engine and would like some comments. I got little or no
>experience in the matter, some in database and a pretty happy
>python-camper, so the things here might be dumb and ineffective, but
>since it`s not outthere yet I have to do it myself.

You might want to take a look at the source for ht://Dig and/or agrep to
get some ideas.
                      --- Aahz (Copyright 2000 by aahz at

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