PyRun_SimpleString error handling

Randy Heiland heiland at
Tue Jun 6 10:09:49 EDT 2000

I'm trying to figure out how to detect/return an error when using

Here's my simple pgm:

#include <Python.h>
#include <import.h>
#include <graminit.h>
#include <pythonrun.h>

void main()
  char save_error_type[1024], save_error_info[1024];
  PyObject *errobj, *errdata, *errtraceback, *pystring;
  int retval;

  retval = PyRun_SimpleString("print foo");
  printf("retval (from PyRun_SimpleString) = %d\n",retval);

  PyErr_Fetch (&errobj, &errdata, &errtraceback);

  if (errobj != NULL) printf("errobj != NULL\n");
  else  printf("whoops -- errobj == NULL\n");

You guessed it - I get the "whoops", the errobj is NULL.

Can someone enlighten me?


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