Python interface to Oracle

Jim Ovecka jovecka at
Thu Jun 22 20:17:34 EDT 2000

You can get Oracle8i from RedHat for free.

Andreas Rottmann wrote:

> David YEUNG <dyeung at> writes:
> > Does anyone know if any python module has been developed for
> > interfacing with Oracle8i database on Linux?
> >
> That would be interesting for me, too. I'm likely to develop one, if
> it doesn't exist, since I have the infrastructure ready - see
> All it would take is writing an Oracle driver for GQL, which can be
> done within a few days. Anyway, I would appreciate if someone could
> help me with that, since I don't have Oracle and am not willing to pay
> the $$$.
> Andy
> --
> Andreas Rottmann   | Dru at ICQ     | 54523380 at ICQ | a.rottmann at
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> [one of 78,35% Austrians who didnĀ“t vote for Haider!]

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