Bypass Sytem Output?

Jeff Bauer jbauer at
Fri Jun 9 09:48:10 EDT 2000

Shengquan Liang wrote:
> i 'm running a Python script that generates
> an HTML file under Solaris 7.  The script also
> generates a PDF file and puts a link to it.
> on thing i don't like is that Solaris gives
> a message like "saved /usr/local/apache/htdocs/PDF/1234602.pdf "
> and printed on the generated HTML file.
> Q: how do i filter out this message?

It's ReportLab's pdfgen library -- not Solaris -- that
prints the message.  I hope this particular message will 
be removed in subsequent releases.  You can excise it 
yourself temporarily, by commenting out one line from 
the library source.

Alternatively, you can redirect stdout.

    >>> print "spam"
    >>> import sys
    >>> old_stdout = sys.stdout
    >>> sys.stdout=open('/dev/null','w')
    >>> print "spam"
    ... # perform some stdout emitting operations ...

    >>> sys.stdout = old_stdout
    >>> print "spam"

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Jeff Bauer
Rubicon Research

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