Why whitespace denotation of blocks doesn't work.

Stephen Hansen stephen at cerebralmaelstrom.com
Sat Jun 17 11:51:55 EDT 2000

    I discovered Python a bit over a year ago, and have been using it
relatively constantly in idle projects. Some are simple, some are not.
Currently i'm working on one that's not.

    Initially, the indentation thing struck me as weird. My main complaint
about it is not that it's difficult to maintain proper indentation, but that
if you're scrolled far down in nested 'if', for instance, it's sometimes
hard to see which indentation-level is for which 'if'... but then i'll just
split-my-screen and scroll up.

    I've never encountered any of your problems. Everything that you've
described, though, i've done with C++'s braces.. forgot one here, added one
here.. etc...etc... The difference is that in Python, it's actually EASY to
just scan your code and see something indented improperly.

    As for your first point.. isn't it just as easy to scan for '__debug__'?
Heck, make your editor hilight it specially. Then just do your:

if __debug__:
    print Whatever


Thaddeus L. Olczyk <olczyk at interaccess.com> wrote in message
news:394ac7ea.609024015 at nntp.interaccess.com...
> After using Python for a while I've come to the conclusion that
> using whitespaces to determine the begining and ending of blocks
> is bad for three reasons.
> Before I list those three reasons let me make two points. People say
> that the indentation requirements don't matter because you generally
> indent the same way. That may be true, but do you think it is a good
> idea to make conventions requirements ( remember that conventions
> start flame wars )? The second is that modern editors with good
> indentation rules ( like emac's python mode ) make indentation based
> coding easy. The thing is that by doing this you are abrogating
> control flow to the editor. When it was the editor indenting code
> which was well defined then there was no problem. By having
> the code depend on indentation, and the editor do the indentation
> for you, you give the editor responsiblity in how the code will flow.
> Now on to my points.
> 1) The first is rather stylistic and may not appeal to most, but I
> have often found it useful. When debugging code I often put in
> code to help me figure out whats happening. I also avoid indenting
> such code so that it easy to remember where it is later when I want to
> take it out. An example ( assuming I use begin and end to denote
> blocks ):
> def Average():
> begin
>       sum=0
> print "number of numbers=",len(numbers) #illegal
> i=0
>       for n in  numbers:
>       begin
> print "n=", n #illegal
>             sum=sum+n
> print "sum=",sum #illegal
>  i=i+1                     #illegal
> if sum>MaxNumber*I:#illegal


> You can immediately see code that you used for debugging and remove
> it. However right now writing code that way makes it illegal.
> 2) You can easily insert a tab introducing a bug.  Consider the
> following code ( similar to a bug I recently fixed ):
> def FindInvoice(idnum):
>       for invoice in invoices:
>             if invoice.id=idnum:
>       return invoice
>             return None # should be indented one less tab.
> ....
> for lines in file.readline():
>      idnum=lines[:6]
>      invoice=FindInvoice(idnum)
>      if not invoice:
>               invoice=InvoiceClass(idnum)
> invoices.append(invoice)
> ....
> Initially the line in error was indented correctly, but someplace
> along the line the extra tab was introduced. A lot of effort then had
> to go in to finding this bug. With begin...end or braces this is less
> likely to happen.
> 3) Finally. Python is a language where it is almost easy to write
> extensible programs. To illistrate what I mean consider this example
> of a python program I recently wrote:
> There is a C++ project which involves many project files and workspace
> files ( the project files are roughly equivalent to makefiles, the
> workspace files primarily are used to couple projects and define
> dependencies ). Version 1 simply read all the project files and
> generated a call to compile each one with all different configuartions
> (debug , release, alpha, beta etc..) . Since this built everything
> even if it was already built, and since this had to be run several
> times ( sometimes compiles would fail because a project that the
> present project was dependent on wasn't compiled ), I made version
> two. Version 2 read the workspace file and organised the projects
> into workspaces. Version 3 passed the string to a second script so
> that the second script could figure out if this was something that
> should be built ( for example whether a standard Win32 build or a
> WinCE build should be done ). Version 4 tracked dependencies more
> carefully ( it did a topological sort and orgainsied the build
> according to it ). Since the core stuff should be built first, I had
> to find out a way to figure out which was core. I used a definition of
> the core stuff is the stuff with the longest chain of dependencies.
> That was Version 5.
> As you can see I started with a simple program and made it more
> complex as I went on.  That's what I mean by extendible. Python is
> almost good at it. Almost. But that damned code indentation dependence
> backs its ugly head. In the process of extending code, I have to move
> blocks of code around. Sometimes put it in a loop, sometimes add an if
> clause to the top. Sometimes extract code into a subroutine. That
> means that I have to reindent the block. So as I reindent I have to
> try to remember how the indenting went. Something I stink at.
> Emacs also doesn't reindent correctly. So I have to go through the
> code, and try to figure out how it works. This distracts from my
> rewrite ( this also applies to refactorings ). I would rather think
> about how new code is supposed to work rather than how old code
> is supposed to work.
> Anyway I hope this causes TPTB to think about how blocks should be
> handled in Pyhton 3000.

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